this will show you that this picture is all unity as the whole picture is equal nothing is really different as the lock is the same all the way around and the fence is the same the whole way
in this photo all you see is a whole lot of space nothing to big or different in anyway of something special its just that the space brings this picture together as even though the piture is just that but there me in the middle pulling you in
this photo shows pattern and reputation as that is only because of the lines on the leaf as they are almost identical in a way.
as this photo looks like a whole lot of nothing it has a certain type of elements which is texture because of how the photo can look when your looking at it as you will see it looks rough and bumpy
the element the occurs in this photo is mostly emphasis because this photo is only here to bring the persons attention closer to the subject in this photo which is the flower as you can see.
this photo that I took where you are seeing landon in the frame is a good show of patter and repetition because of the elements that occurs over and over again as there ae rock and the trees/bushes from the start of the camera and all the way to the end.